Uncover ALL of who you are, face your shadows and let your body be your guide.
So, let’s talk… What is shadow coaching and why do you want to receive it?
Shadow coaching helps you address and accept EVERYTHING that makes you an amazing person. You may be accustomed to focusing on what makes you shine, which is important. You might also be accustomed to beating yourself up over your shortcomings. However, without acknowledging the faulty belief systems, baseless conditionings, and misaligned value systems that got in your way and sabotaged the truth of who you are, you may never truly love or step into the power of who you truly are. Shadow coaching helps you to get honest, and understand (with gentleness) how the dark parts you want to ignore can help you to understand yourself with more love, help you stand in the power of who you truly are, and strengthen the impact you can make in your life.
Why is the “body-centered” part of shadow coaching important?
In the immortal words of Bob Marley, “He who feels it knows it more.” This means that if you can truly feel all your feelings and tap into your intuition, you can understand who you are and what you need and stand for more completely. Western society has caused us to believe that rationalizing with our brains leads to clarity. Not true. The truth is that when we include what we sense in our bodies to what we are processing…the passion we feel in our hearts and the intuition we notice in our guts, including shame, guilt, fear, anger, etc…the more we can tap into who we truly are and what we want.
Why incorporate Maya abdominal massage or Integrative massage with Body-Centered Shadow Coaching?
Maya abdominal massage focuses on relieving emotional energy that is stored in “the seat of our emotional bodies”—our bellies. Integrative massage (a light form of massage) can help to release the emotional energy I sense elsewhere in my clients’ bodies. Both modalities help clients to reconnect with their emotional/energetic bodies. As babies most of us were acutely aware of our feelings and needs. As we grew and learned to live in modern society, we became conditioned to focus on what we “think” based on beliefs and conditionings we learned from “out there”. We began to override or ignore our feelings and gut responses. Big mistake! Suppressing our emotions buries them in the cellular memory of our muscles. Maya abdominal massage and Integrative massage can help clients to connect more fully with their emotional bodies through what they experience in their physical bodies.
“Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain.” ~Carl Jung
Who are Body-Centered Shadow Coaching and the Body-Centered Shadow Coaching combination services for?
Women who are undergoing life transitions
Women who blame themselves for conception challenges
Women who want to explore subconscious or unconscious challenges that are holding them back
Women who sense a physical challenge may have an emotional component but they aren’t clear on how the emotional piece plays a role
Women who recognize that they are having challenges moving forward in their lives and who understand that there isn’t a separation between the physical and emotional states.
Clients who are transitioning out of challenging relationships
Clients who want to cultivate a deeper connection between what they feel physically and emotionally
What You’ll Gain
Self-care tools you can utilize and practice at home
A deeper understanding of how your shadows have supported you before they got in your way
More compassion for the things about yourself that make you feel uncomfortable
A greater understanding of the qualities you possess that make you shine
Greater ownership of your needs, values, and beliefs
The ability to set boundaries that honor you
A stronger sense of self
Improved self-confidence
More courage to live your life in an authentically honest way
A greater ability to feel and express freedom and joy
What I know for sure is that when you face those parts of yourself that you’ve been afraid to acknowledge, allow yourself to get messy, and allow what you sense in your body to support your inner guidance and openings, you can be guided in a way that is truly aligned with who you are and what you want in life. This is what I bring to you through my body-centered coaching offerings.
Body-centered Shadow Coaching
This traditional coaching session can be done in person or virtually. Learn what your shadows are, make friends with them, discover how you used them to survive, and acknowledge how they no longer serve you. I will also teach you how to become aware of your body’s wisdom, and I’ll include the use of breathwork and/or conscious movement to deepen your awareness of your body’s signals. With what you discover and the techniques I share, you can make changes that will allow you to live in a way that is more closely aligned with your beliefs, values, desires, and needs. Step out of that box of external expectations and step into the container of learning, honoring, and practicing your own body’s wisdom.
Individual Sessions
60-minute session $160
Series of four sessions $576
Body-centered Shadow Coaching & Massage
Deepen your coaching experience by including massage in your session. In my years of working with clients, I’ve become increasingly aware that when bodywork is included with shadow coaching, clients can feel more deeply and heal more completely. Begin your session with a shadow coaching session then move onto my massage table, where you will receive Maya abdominal massage work or Integrative massage. The modalities together will help you to notice where you’re holding negative energy in your body, and move through the negative energy on a somatic level.
Individual Sessions
90-minute Body-Centered shadow coaching/mini massage session/ $225
Series of four 90-minute sessions/ $810
120-minute Body-Centered Shadow Coaching/Maya abdominal massage session/ $275
Series of four 120-minute sessions/ $990
Body-Centered Shadow Coaching + Spiritual Plant Healing
Coaching is an important tool for getting to the core of an issue that is holding you back. But let’s face it, there are times when you get triggered and you can’t shake the challenging emotions that get stirred up. Spiritual plant healing can help to alleviate the energetic intensity of emotions that may be surfacing in conjunction to what is being revealed. The combination of these two modalities can help you to feel what’s coming up for you and offset any emotional intensity that can derail your progress as you step into your true feelings. This is a two-hour, in-person session.
Individual Sessions
120- minute session/ $275
Package of four sessions/ $990
Body-Centered Shadow Coaching + Transformational Breath
Shadow coaching and breathwork go hand in hand. When you begin to uncover what has distressed you, the uncovering can impact your breathing. Why? Because shallow breathing helps us to distance ourselves from discomfort, difficulty, or trauma. When you can deeply and fully, you can clear the emotional energy that gets stuck in the cellular tissue of your muscles. Uncover what keeps you stuck and release the emotional energy that doesn’t serve you anymore with this unique session.
Individual Sessions
120- minute session/ $275
Package of four sessions/ $990