Join me for a JOURNEY TO SELF; A conscious movement experience

Conscious dancing is my fuel; there’s nothing like getting lost in sensation as I move. Interestingly, dancing means so much more to me than just moving…I learn a lot about myself and my life when I’m on the dance floor because how I move on the dancefloor (and how I feel as I move) reflects how I’m moving in my life.   


Journey To Self: A conscious movement experience is the result of my love for and experiences in various forms of movement including "Dance The Untitled Self", Body Mantra, Trance Dance, and my experiences at Rhythm Sanctuary. My biggest influences and inspirations are my training in Soul Motion, breath work, massage, and shadow coaching. I even draw from my experience with ballet, African dance, belly dancing, and “clubbing” . Journey to Self invites us to do more than just move; it invites us to SENSE AND FEEL OURSELVES INSIDE OF OUR MOVEMENT. No judgment, just noticing.

Each class includes an inquiry in order to set the focus for each class (creating the container) and the class begins with grounding experiences. Throughout the class, you will be invited to try different ways of moving, to notice how you’re moving, and how to deepen your movement. You may also sense that your emotions are shifting as well. Truly delicious!

Journey To Self is a movement modality that anyone, regardless of skill or experience, can participate in. The intention isn’t to “dance well” or to dance like everyone else. There is no choreography. This movement form is about connecting with and exploring how YOU move and discovering your own dance. It’s about moving fully and honestly in your moment. And the best part is that you’re dancing with a supportive, playful group of people who are having similar experiences. How great is that? Dance YOUR dance!

Wear comfortable clothes that you can move in easily. We dance in bare feet but if you have difficulty, you can bring soft-soled shoes that you only wear indoors to dance. I also invite you to sign up for my emails in order to stay up to date on happenings on the dance floor, cancellations, and to learn about any guest facilitators that offer workshops in the front range.

See you on the dance floor!