Programs and Groups
Transform your being through meeting your shadows and introducing varied sensed or felt experiences.
Do you have difficulty sensing who you are or what you want? Do you feel that you can meet everyone else’s needs but, when it comes to meeting your own needs, you’re unable to sense what you want? Do you have trouble expressing how you want to show up in the world? Perhaps you’re even thinking, “if I just do this or if I become that, I’ll be fine”… Guess what? The discomfort and distress you’re feeling result from your looking outside of yourself to live and receive validation.
“Ironically, we are all too often educated out of rather than into awareness of the body.” ~ Jean Houston
I offer the following programs to help women navigate their way back home to themselves. I have learned…in my varied studies and 25+ years in practice…that we must go inward and face our worst fears to stand firmly in who we are. There is a strong connection between the body, mind, and emotions. When you tap into that connection, you can heal more quickly and completely. Additionally, I believe you already know what is right for you; you know what you want and need. Trust your intuition. Your body communicates your answers, feelings, warnings, and other messages to you all of the time. Perhaps you’ve either forgotten or have been trained to ignore the messages so permit yourself to learn how to listen again. These programs will help you do that.
These offerings can be helpful for women who:
🔹 Feel numb inside their bodies or feel as if they are "living on autopilot".
🔹 Have gone through a life transition (divorce, entering middle age, suffered a miscarriage or the loss of a loved one) and feel disoriented from the event, or have experienced a life-altering event.
🔹 Want to feel more joy and engage more fully in their lives.
🔹 Doubt the value of their desires and dreams.
🔹 Feel disconnected from their female essence.
Let’s transform your being!
What would your life be like if you felt fully embodied and comfortable inside of your skin? Who would you be and how would you feel?
Do you feel disconnected from yourSelf and your life? And do you want personalized assistance in reconnecting, from the inside out? Return To Self is for you.
Learn how to connect more fully with yourSelf through one-on-one body-centered coaching, body-awareness exercises, and homework specifically designed to help you connect more fully with yourself as you live your life.
An understanding and appreciation of your shadows
The development/increased trust of your intuition
An ability to open up to and be curious about all life experiences
A deepened and stronger sense of self
A deeper acceptance of your strengths and your humanness
A refined inner compass
An ability to discern your thoughts from what your body senses
Greater ease and enjoyment of life
A greater appreciation for how you show up in your life
This is a 6-month program. The program includes the following:
➻ Two monthly 60-minute coaching sessions (Can be done in-office or virtually).
➻ One Monthly 90-minute virtual or in-office somatic session. These sessions are designed to help you ground, begin to sense your body, deepen your awareness, move through emotions, and express yourself more comfortably.
These sessions are as follows:
🔹 Month 1: Coaching and meditation
🔹 Month 2: Coaching and belly Massage
🔹 Months 3 and 4: Coaching and Transformational Breath
🔹 Months 5 and 6: Coaching/Creative inquiries that can include movement, art, or intuitive writing sessions
🔹 Tailormade homework/inquiries to be completed between sessions. These inquiries are designed to help you sense yourself…your openings, “roadblocks”, joys, challenges, and everything in between…in real time as you are living your life.
If you want to know more about this program, you can schedule a discovery call with me!
Come Home To Self
A monthly virtual growth community for women
You have a busy life. You juggle many responsibilities in order to keep your life and the lives of your loved ones running smoothly. In spite of the your busyness, you wish you could have the support of a group of women to turn to when you’re feeling fear, anger, confusion or frustration. You’d also welcome being in a group to help you celebrate life wins! This group was created for you!
Every month, we'll gather for a cozy, 90-minute virtual meet-up where I'll kick things off with a thought-provoking topic designed to inspire and challenge us. But this space is as much yours as it is mine—I warmly invite you to bring your own experiences, questions, or topics to the table. It's a time for us to truly listen, share, and, if you're open to it, offer feedback that uplifts and supports. I'm here to foster a space where your voice isn't just heard; it's cherished. Let's make each session a journey of discovery and connection, together.
Sounds intriguing?
Let's set up a telephone consultation so I can learn more about you and help you decide if these programs are for you.
“There is a force within which gives you life—seek that. In your body lies a priceless gem—Seek that. O wandering Sufi, if you want to find the greatest treasure Don’t look outside, look inside, and seek that.”
— Rumi

There is an Indian Proverb that says “Everybody is a house with four rooms; a physical, a mental, an emotional, and a spiritual. Most of us tend to live in one room most of the time but unless we go into every room every day, even if only to keep it aired, we are not a complete person." When I think of it, Natalie, I realize every appointment I’ve had with you took me into all four rooms. Natalie has so much to offer on so many levels, she is a treasure. -Jann